Robots and Cobots are becoming more and more popular in industrial productions, numerous of them are sharing the operation zone, thus programming many robots at the same time may bring us a headache, and any big mistake may force us to restart the layout, design again or even early end the project, to prevent these problems it is thank to Convergent-IT are create the powerful software or stimulation which is called the Automappps software, with advantages:

  • Stimulate the working operation or robot with the real design dimension of the layout.
  • Export the stimulate motions, tasks to robot own languages faster for programing any kinds of robot in the market.
  • Auto-generate robot motions, avoid collision, and short down the cycle time!
  • Available to all robot's makers in the market 

Our technical team is capable, adaptive, experience, and well trained by our partner Convergent-IT. We Temas are confident in integration, and always find out the ideal solution with a perfect price for your requirements.

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